He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on 他和一家出版公司谈过了,他们打算雇用他。
We're beginning to see textbook rentals peak, said Laura Ricci of Outsell, a publishing research firm. 出版研究公司Outsell的劳拉•瑞西(LauraRicci)表示,我们将开始看到教科书租赁达到顶峰。
Local Officers 'Co-operative Building Society He travels for a publishing firm. 本地公务员建屋合作社他是某出版社的外务员。
He had been a proof reader for a small publishing firm. 他曾在一家小出版公司当过校对。
She is a typist in a publishing firm. 她是一家出版公司的打字员。
This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks. 这家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材。
He travels for a publishing firm. 他是某出版社的外务员。
With just piles of manuscripts at the publishing firm for me? 就只有一大堆的草稿陪着我?
Then, taking into consideration of the management system and mode with the Packaging Engineering periodical publishing firm, the thesis accomplishes the demand analysis, the whole OA system planning and function-dividing on the basis of object-oriented analysis and design method. 结合《包装工程》杂志社的管理体制和管理模式,使用面向对象的分析方法进行需求分析,使用面向对象的设计方法对杂志社办公自动化系统进行总体规划和功能划分。
The regulation of press publishing is the credible premise and firm base which press publishing plays a protective, canonical, introductory and ministrant role. 新闻出版业规制是对新闻出版业发展发挥保障、规范、引导、服务作用的可靠前提和坚实基础。
In order to make the publishing firm in an invincible position in the fierce competition, we have to improve the publishing process and short the period. 为了使出版社在激烈的竞争中处于不败之地,提高出版速度,缩短出版周期是有效的途径之一。